Thursday, February 20, 2020

You need to choose a topic from the materials Essay

You need to choose a topic from the materials - Essay Example The report raises addresses about responsibility. Since border executors are significant members of the Department of Homeland Security, they are not subjected to the same open examination as cops who utilize their weapons. It additionally addresses if, in the race to secure the border, operators are constantly enough prepared and it raises the inquiry: why arent these cases being indicted? Also the authorities still are not equipped to give a fulfilling reply. In order to go deeper into the report it is necessary to know the history of the borderlands of Mexico (GOP Legislators Visiting Mexico Concerned About Border Security 2001). The area of land which is presently known as Central America was the original land of ‘Mestizos’, who were partly Spanish and partly native. The Mestizos, started their journey towards south-west of United States for a better living, which is now known as Mexico (U.S.-Mexican Border Violence 2010). As United States of America was expanding, b oth in population and in size, this newly emerged Americans invaded the area, so long occupied by the Mestizos (Bergmark, Regan, Barr, and Garcia 2010). A fierce war broke out. Mestizos were defeated and finally peace was reinstated with the ‘Treaty of Guadalupe’ in 1848. Hundreds of Mexicans lost their lives in the war and thousands of them became homeless. Though some of the Mexicans fought back, the overall situation of the country was pathetic, full of terror and without having any law and order (Salividar 1993). American companies now came into the forefront. They entered by force into the Mexican Territory, and set up factories/mills/companies to maximize their profit by exploiting the local labor-force and the natural resources. Peso, the local currency was devalued and the economy of the country suffered due to large unemployment (Paredes 1991). The people, who were staying near the ‘borderline’ between USA and Mexico, now had to take an important d ecision of their

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What is Great about Studying in the UK Assignment

What is Great about Studying in the UK - Assignment Example A research was conducted in the maintenance of the project. The feedback results aided in the project analysis. The topic under research was; â€Å"What is great about studying in the UK in general?† A leaflet was designed with an intention of convincing students from other countries to come to the UK to learn for a degree. Superiority and efficiency of the pamphlet were possible by the use of surveys, published brochures containing similar data and questionnaires. Four locations were the centre of attention, mainly the student benefit in terms of culture and study atmosphere. Sixteen random students were selected and given identical evaluation sheets to complete in regard to completion of the survey. The random students were also given each a sample of the pamphlet created so as to give accurate information. The evaluation sheet was anonymous; students’ names, sex, and age were not included. Overall experience in regard to the brochure blueprint was enquired. Ten quest ions were provided with each of which was rated as per the evaluation scale created. The rating scale was as follows: excellent (4), good (3), fair (2) and poor (1). There was a comment tab after each question. Two additional questions were at the end of the evaluation scale, founded on the improvement of the brochure (Stake, 1996). Comments from the evaluation sheets revealed information on the brochure created. According to an average analysis of the rating sheet, most students love the idea of studying in the UK. Information from the evaluation sheets created revealed that improvement measures for the brochure created included the following: more picture addition, add links to campus websites, admission criteria, and more information on courses available. More than 100,000 international students reside in London as it is the initially preferred city of choice. These students hail from more than 200 diverse homelands.Manchester is the subsequent favored city in the United Kingdom. The third city of choice in Birmingham while the fourth preferred city is Huddersfield. These cities consist of universities which offer quality education with well trained and dedicated staff members, affordable education as preferred to other countries, and a welcoming diverse environment.